The #1 Reason You’re Not Landing More Clients (And How to Fix It)

Hi gang, 

Welcome to Issue #16. How do you build your book without being "salesy?"



Saranne sat across from a potential client at a networking dinner, listening intently. The GC was venting about an ongoing issue—an impossible regulatory hurdle.

Saranne knew the solution. She had navigated that exact issue for another client last year. But she hesitated. How can I frame it so I don't come across as overly aggressive?, she wondered. How can I avoid the client feeling "sold to"?

Instead of launching into a “hire me” sales pitch, Saranne asked, “Have you considered X approach? I worked on a similar matter where we tackled it this way, and it saved our client months of delays.”

The GC’s eyes lit up. “Wait—how did you do that?”

Boom: curiosity sparked. The conversation deepened, and before saying goodnight, the GC pulled Saranne aside and said, “We need to talk.”


The Lesson:
You don’t need to “sell.” You need to serve. Ask questions, share insights, and and show that you get both them, and their challenge(s).

People buy from those who make them feel seen, not those who make them feel pitched.


The next time you're interacting with a potential client, instead of listing your accolades, share a quick, relevant insight, and reference how you've used this insight to serve your clients.


Watch how it shifts the conversation toward you—without a single “salesy” word. Bonus scripts to help you sell without selling, here.


Do you want to stop hoping you'll be chosen, and take control?

Remember: ask questions, share insights, and show that you get both them, and their challenge(s).

Try it out and report back. Here for you! 📈



P.S. BigLaw women: Do you want a jolt of energy from learning how your peers are building their book? Do you want ask them if your approach on any given topic is how they would handle it? Are you curious what you blind spots you might have, that a supportive colleague would gently bring to your attention?

Try out an Inner Circle with me on Wednesday, February 26 at 2pm ET and Experience an Inner Circle for yourself. BigLaw women only. 

P.P.S. Everyone (ICYMI in the newsletter body): (free) bonus scripts here to help you sell without selling.


Three Types of "Outsiders" Who Can Get You Inside 📈